March 23rd – Packing

Packing is an inadequate term when used to describe the preparations needed to get ready to climb Everest. I took over the spare bedroom weeks ago and began laying out all the clothing and equipment I might want to take. Now that room is full and I’m spilling over into the office and garage. It doesn’t help that as the leader of the expedition I have some group equipment that I wouldn’t need to bring if I was just a climber. I have two base-station radios and 5 handheld radios; two gas heaters and two large radio antennas, and more – you get the idea. Somehow I have to fit this into two bags and get them to weigh less than 50lb each! I think I’d better bring my credit card to check-in next Sunday!
I also need to keep better records. Because I’ve been doing this for many years you’d think I’d know how many pairs of socks to take? I just think that I should take the same number I took last time – now how many was that? This year I’ve started a spreadsheet. It will end up in the “Resources” section of this website after the expedition.